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All translations - jairhaas

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Deens her fik han arbejde på det eksklusive Savoy hotel...
her fik han arbejde på det eksklusive Savoy hotel hvor han enten var opvasker eller overtjener

Vertalings gedaan
Engels dishwasher
Source language
Latyn Si enim dicamus praecedentes legales , hos...
Si enim dicamus praecedentes legales , hos prophetales esse, obijciet quis libros quinque Moysi prophetales esse, quia eos prophetarum praecipuus scriptitaverit.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels If indeed we consider
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italiaans Lo specchio non si sbaglia mai
Lo specchio non si sbaglia mai

Vertalings gedaan
Deens Spejlet
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latyn omnis successus in praeparatione positus est
omnis successus in praeparatione positus est
Jeg har set en pige med dette tattoveret på ryggen, nu er min nysgerrighed for stor til ikke at vide hvad det betyder.

Vertalings gedaan
Deens success
Engels Every success lies in its ...
Source language
Latyn Hi autem totaliter historiam continent, & si in...
Hi autem totaliter historiam continent, & si in quibusdam eorum admonitiones, & futurorum contineantur provisiones; sed quod de praeteritis aut futuris enarretur, nihil in hoc differt; nam eos sub historicis comprehendemus.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Also
Source language
Latyn Librum autem Iob etiam si a Moyse iuxta communem...
Librum autem Iob etiam si a Moyse iuxta communem traditionem scriptum asserverimus: tantae tamen nec apud Iudaeos nec apud Latinos auctoritatis est, ut inter prophetales locari merverit. Hoc autem Danielis liber monstrat. Ipse quippe a propheta conscriptus est, quod amplius est a propheta conditus fuit: inter prophetales taen nequaquam reperitur, sed inter agiographia sextum possidet locum; ut patet in prologo Galeato Beati Hieronymi super libros Regum.
Please relate to this as a continuation of my former request, beginning with the sentence "An liber Iob computetur inter Prophetales; & quid requiritur ad esse librum prophetalem".

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Indeed if we would assume
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hebreeus אני מצטערת שאני מפריעה פשוט אני גרה במנהטן כבר 8...
אני מצטערת שאני מפריעה פשוט אני גרה במנהטן כבר 8 שנים ואני באה חודש הבא לישראל.
על העזרה.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Manhattan
Source language
Brasiliaanse Portugees O Senhor Sustenta
O Senhor Sustenta
O Senhor Deus sustenta

Vertalings gedaan
Engels The Lord supports
Hebreeus האל תומך
Source language
Engels Don´t you know how sweet and wonderful life can...
Don´t you know how sweet and wonderful life can be?

Vertalings gedaan
Hebreeus האם אינך יודע...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels Love is my answer
Love is my answer

Vertalings gedaan
Hebreeus אהבה
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Nederlands Ik zweer bij god
Ik zweer bij god
vertaling van de naam Elisabeth

Vertalings gedaan
Hebreeus אני נשבע באלהים
Source language
Brasiliaanse Portugees Bendito sejas Tu
Bendito sejas Tu

Vertalings gedaan
Engels May you be blessed!
Hebreeus ברוך
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels As you do,so will be done to you
As you do,so will be done to you

Vertalings gedaan
Spaans Lo que hagas, te lo harán a ti.
Hebreeus כפי שאתה עושה...
Source language
Bulgaars Не върви след никго, върви само след себе си.
Не върви след никого, върви само след себе си.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Follow nobody but yourself.
Hebreeus אל תלך אחרי איש מלבד עצמך
Source language
Engels Happy birthday to my baby
My dear baby, warm wishes on the occasion of your birthday. I wish I could celebrate it together with you. Love you baby, always!
This is a message for my girl friend who's learning Japanese on her birthday. Here baby implies her, i.e-it means my lover/sweetheart (a more informal word is preferred)

Vertalings gedaan
Hebreeus יום הולדת שמח לאהובתי
10Source language10
Latyn Per aspera Ad astra A dato, ab imo pectore,ad...
Per aspera Ad astra

A dato, ab imo pectore,ad infinitum fidelis ad urnam
Tu es ille vir
Es semper in corde meo

<edit> Took "Veritas et licii con cardiio etern" off the text as this is not Latin</edit> (08/21/francky thanks to Aneta's notification)

Vertalings gedaan
Engels To the stars through difficulties...
Sweeds Genom svårigheterna mot stjärnorna
Hebreeus דרך קשיים עד לכוכבים
Source language
Nederlands vriendelijkheid kost niets
vriendelijkheid kost niets

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Kindness costs nothing.
Hebreeus טוב-לב
Source language
Sweeds Tomma tunnor skramlar mest.
Tomma tunnor skramlar mest.
Proverb. Please... if it's possible, write a comment in the note how your equivalence to this saying should be translated --> English. (word-by-word)

Vertalings gedaan
Pools Puste beczki hałasują najgłośniej.
Engels Empty barrels make the most noise.
Russies Пустая бочка пуще гремит.
Spaans Los toneles vacíos son los que más ruido hacen.
Bulgaars Празните кофи тракат най-много.
Portugees Os tonéis vazios são os que mais ruído fazem.
Esperanto Malplenaj bareloj bruas pleje
Brasiliaanse Portugees Os barris vazios são os que fazem mais barulho.
Frans Les fûts vides font le plus de bruit.
Nederlands Holle vaten
Deens Tønder
Litaus Proverb
Albanies Fuçitë e boshe bëjnë më shumë zhurmë.
Romeens Butoaiele goale fac cel mai mult zgomot.
Serwies Prazna burad najveću buku prave
Bosnies Prazne bačve čine najviše buke.
Turks BoÅŸ variller
Farsie-Persies طبل غازی
Italiaans I botti vuoti fanno il più grande rumore.
Klingon chuSchu' qegh buy'Ha'
Hebreeus חביות ריקות גורמות לרעש הרב ביותר
Noors Tomme tønner bulrer mest.
Bretons Fustoù goullo zo ar re drouzusañ.
Grieks Τα άδεια βαρέλια κάνουν τον περισσότερο θόρυβο.
Latyn Dolia vacua strepitum maximum faciunt.
Katalaans Els tonells buits són els que més soroll fan.
Arabies البارميل الفارغة تسبب معضم الضجيج
Hongaars Az üres hordók csinálják a legnagyobb zajt.
Yslands Bylur hæst í tómri tunnu.
Fœroese Tómar tunnur buldra mest.
Mongools Хоосон хэнгэрэгний дуу нь чанга
Antieke grieks Οἱ βάτοι κενοί τὸν θόρυβον μέγιστον ποιοῦσιν.
Duits Leere Tonnen
Oekraïenies Порожня бочка дужче гримить
Sjinees vereenvoudig 一桶不响,半桶晃荡
Tsjeggies Prázdné sudy zvoní nejhlasitěji.
Sjinees 一桶不響,半桶晃蕩
Letties Tukša muca tālu skan.
Slowaaks Prázdne sudy zvučia najhlasnejšie.
Afrikaans Leë vate
Fins Tyhjät tynnyrit kolisevat eniten.
Hindi अधजल गगरी छलकत जाय.
Kroasies Prazne bačve
Masedonies Празните кофи повеќе врева прават.
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